Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wk2 Reading: The Art of Possibility Blog Post 1-4

What a fascinating book this is. The Zanders clearly see beyond what is to what can be. The fact that they have chosen to share this information with will undoubtedly make this world a better place.

Chapter 1
Until now, I was unaware of how my perception of the world is so limited. The comparison of the frog, the bee and humans was eye-opening. Am I only seeing my world to survive or can I see beyond that and not limit myself. I should not assume anything. As I go about my day (week, month, year), I will look into how this can be applied to my everyday life at home and work.

Chapter 2
I have tried to do away with the whole A B C student mentality in my classroom by using a rubric that can help all students succeed and make A's. The problem is that many do not. The main reason is that the students do not really try. Why are they are happy to just get by and make a C and get it over with? I try to make my classroom a fun learning environment as well as a sanctuary for the students, yet some still refuse to truly succeed and are thus limiting themselves and remaining underachievers. I will continue to show my students that the class matters and that they matter.

Chapter 3
The innovative idea of "giving" students an A could possibly help show my students that they owe it to themselves to be better because they deserve it. Maybe many will then see themselves in a different and better light.

Chapter 4
The opening quote is powerful, to say the least. It helps to remind that everyone matters. After reading the chapter, I am now thinking of ways to improve my teaching so that each and every student can benefit in their personal lives as well as in school.

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