Sunday, October 17, 2010

W4 Reading

Teaching without technology
This article discusses a school district that is ridding itself of PowerPoint and moving to a more hands on style of teaching. I could see how relying only on PowerPoint could be boring but technology should not be the only thing used in the class. There should already be a good amount of hands on activities going on. Could that include gaming? Probably so.

This is a very strange but interesting concept. What the author seems to be doing is having students collaborate during tests instead of having them test individually. It is a bit of a stretch to compare this type of teaching/learning to Web 2.0. This article might not be as much help to my ARP but I will keep it handy since the final ARP result is still a mystery since it will be continually evolving 

This article makes a good point about the use of technology. It should be used wisely instead of just because. According to the author, the teaching should be facilitated by technology but not rely on it completely. It should also not be completely shunned either. He also makes a comparison to yesterday’s and today’s automobile and the technological advancements that could be invented later for use with teaching.
This blog is mainly about the positive uses of PowerPoint for elementary school art lessons. The author discusses some ways to use this in the classroom including how to save classroom time by using it. I agree that the more time is saved, the more time the students have to work on their projects. 

This article is about an online database that contains information about art and art history. A site like this could be incredibly helpful in teaching my students and showing them some of the artworks of the distant and not so distant past. The database alone might not motivate the students much, but using the art that is contained in that database could help my students search for a particular artwork or artist for research.

Technology and academic achievement 
This site discusses the usefulness of technology in the classroom and also delves into other subjects such as math. The author also suggests that engaging lessons can be created for students with the proper use of technology.

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