Sunday, October 3, 2010

W1 Reading

Technology makes art education a bigger draw
This article explained the use of technology in the art classroom and how it has changed the learning environment. It informed the reader that there is plenty of information and software that could help the teacher motivate students. It could also open up new possibilities. For example, it discussed programs that could help students learn how to become animators, teach them how to draw and it reminded them that their art does not have to be perfect.

  This article seemed to point out the obvious. Some schools have technology and some don’t. It discussed six different school districts whose use of technology was studied. Schools that did not have or use Web 2.0 technology could easily falling far behind those who did. It also talked about how the schools were willing to add this to their curriculum. Getting familiar with the use of these tools was not as big a challenge as it appeared.

This site was a quick review on simple ways to merge technology with art. These suggestions could easily be used in a high school art classroom just as easily as it could be used in an elementary school art program. This article was short and to the point. The equipment needed for this included a computer lab, a printer and software. It also mentioned the importance of showing off student work.

This site discussed the challenges that could come up in regards to using technology in the classroom. It included the fear many teachers and students might have in learning some new and innovative things. The author stated that future education and employment have changed and will continue to change as schools become more integrated with technology.

This site delved into the type of computer needed for a well functioning technologically advanced art classroom. The kind of computer, the speed and the proper software were highlighted in this article. These could either help advance or hold back the classroom. Regular school grade computers would not be enough. The author went into detail on the kind of computer and software needed for proper technological advancement.

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